Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Christy Scott- Inner Healing

This week was a very good week and I got a lot out of it. She taught us that there has been a battle for our lives between God and satan that began in our moms womb. She also told us how important our childhood lives were from 0-6 years old and how the things that were spoken in our lives during that time would create a filter on how we react to situations. For example, if we were told as a child that we were unwanted then this might make us live our lives as if we had to prove ourselves or be perfect, or feel like we are rejected. What this taught us is if we want to fix the reactions/personality traits that we took on we would have to go to the roots. A new revelation that i got was to know that truth= to be set free and that Jesus is the truth. I cam to a deeper understanding of what this really means. This stuff brought out a lot of questions on what areas of God's character do I not trust or not believe to be true? Along with, what lies have I been believing.

This week we went back to Casa Viva and hung out with the kids again. This time it was a little bit more organized and we had a small lesson plan that we did. My favorite thing was just playing soccer with the kids and bringing them joy by letting them score sometimes. We also went to Jaco beach and got to go to this little part called "The River." It was a very poverish area where this woman was doing a ministry down there. She let us get a little glimpse of what she was doing and what kids she was working with.

In this article it is talking about how there are thousands of children who are at risk at nurseries. Around a thousand childcare providers in charge of nearly 20,000 children were said to be inadequately taking care/safeguarding children under 5 years old. One of the common problems was the failure to ensure the caregivers were suitable to work with children. As well as not doing background check on the adults working with the kids. Some other concerns were not maintaining the childs hygiene and no training in first aid. They also discovered that five percent of the quality of education was inadequate and twenty nine percent was barely satisfactory.

Prayer Points

*Proper educational training
*Trained people would step up
*Parents would take more time in choosing what nurseries they are putting their children
*Nurseries would not take in people without proper knowledge or experience

This is a christian ministry that operates homes that provide long-term care for orphaned, abandoned, and abused children in a family environment. They work in five locations- Nicaragua, Philippines, Mexico, Senegel, and Brazil. They receive children whol have been permanently separated from their parents due to a combination of death, abandonment and abuse.

They discover who is working with children at risk and where they are and support the organizations. Usually by uniting those projects and workers, enabling partnerships that will mutually benefit and serve. They help mobilize churches, communities and individuals to play their part in changing the loves of the children.

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